Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tough Love

I used to be a Kindergarten teacher. Really. I managed to take 25 four and five year olds, many of whom had never had any structured school experience, and turn them into students. They learnt taking turns, speaking respectfully, listening and general associated behaviours that are acceptable in the classroom environment.
Now I am a youth pastor, and I have older children, who have been in structured environments for years and know what is expected of them. So being very new to this game this is what I insisted on from the start, polite, respectful behaviour, in all circumstances.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Not My Ipod

I think I have excellent taste in music. For someone born many years ago (don’t ask) I can appreciate and even like some music that the kids listen to today. Beyonce is cool right? Jet? Coldplay?
Ok I cheated a bit just then and looked at my daughter’s playlists. But I’m not silly. I know that for young people music is very important. They all have iPods or something similar, and it is not unknown to have earphones as part of your everyday attire, hanging out your collar. I know its cool to post song lyrics on your facebook status, and make jokes from current song titles.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Be careful what you pray for! Last Friday night at our regular youth meeting we reached in numbers an all time high. We had 74 in attendance. I know to some of the larger churches 74 isnt a huge number, but lets look at this in perspective.
Last February 2010 I had 35 kids and was praying for 40. At the beginning of this year, 50 was a good night, but we had an aim to reach over 70 by December. It’s June.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Around The World Theme

Tonight is our youth night and the theme is around the world. Kids are encouraged to dress in international costume (if they feel so inspired) and some connect groups are munching down on international snacks. I’m not sure how international mini pizzas and baklava is but hey, close enough.
Some of the games we have found to play are interesting

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is a Vision?

I may be a complete twit, but I had no idea what on earth people were talking about when they said you needed a vision for your youth group. I’m a Mum with 6 kids so my vision is to get through the day alive.
But my massive learning curve has taught me a vision is the direction in which you want your youth group to go… and grow.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Top 10 Things a Youth Pastor Should Never Do.

1.       Get mad with the microphone in your hand – Yes seems obvious. But when Someone comes to tell you they didn’t prepare the games they were rostered on for seconds before you lead into it your head gets all hot, and you somehow lose awareness of the black technical implement you are holding used to project your voice.  And then EVERYONE hears you loose your cool. Just for a moment anyhow.
2.       Forget to get a receipt – if you have a super efficient church accountant like mine, it doesn’t matter how much you spent on that amazing “Bad T shirt night” theme, if you don’t have the itty bitty bits of paper with numbers on it to prove it, you aint getting a cent.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Youth Ministry Gem

Another gem I gathered from this year’s Youth Pastor Retreat is the art of regular reporting to the Church Senior Pastor. A guy who had been a youth pastor for many years said he wrote a weekly overview of what had gone on in their ministry for the last week, describing it in detail, pros, cons, people, ideas, growth, mistakes and all reflections possible. I write my reports to PastorG every Tuesday, (well… most Tuesdays) the same day each week, and sent it via email, as well as keeping a copy for myself.